Our Queue Management System is a powerful easy queue token system. It helps to manage customer/client waiting list and allocation process in organized way. Its responsible for issuing tickets, it can connect on printer for printing purposes, different services can have ticket series/serial numbering with department, counter and officer name.
There are three user account types (Admin, Officer and Staff).
Ticket series/serial (A001, A002, A003…) are assigned on each service.
- Login
- User management
- Department
- Counter
- Token management
- Token with SMS
- Messaging system
- Multi-language
- Temporary language
- Multiple display
- Dashboard with token status
- Department and counter based display
- Date to date report
- User performance report
- Display setting
- Application setting
- User profile
- 3 different types user panel (Admin, Officer, Staff)
- Multiple types data export (PDF, CSV, EXCEL, PRINT)
Our system is ideal for For
- Office
- Restaurant
- Hospital/Doctor chamber
- Customer care
- Service center
- Others small business